Back in March, sweet nurse Katie (Graham's mommy) visited our class to share a little about her job. She was spectacular! She brought pictures, nurse equipment and a package of band-aids for each of the children. Thank you so much nurse Katie!
Look at how interested all of the kids are during story time now. Wow, they've come a long way in becoming great listeners! We love it!
In April, we've been talking about everything that God has made, right down to the tiny insects in the we let the children hide the insects in the tall, tall grass:
Of course, we talked about the Easter story. We waved palm branches and sang, "Hosanna to the King" like they did on Palm Sunday.
We learned that Jesus is the lamb of God, and that he died and came alive again! He is risen!
And, of course, we had an Easter egg hunt. We hid them in fairly obvious places all over the gym. It's always interesting to see who wants to find as many as they can vs. who just wants to find a couple and open them right away.
We evened out the bags after, just to be fair :)
How proud were you of your little ones at the spring sing along ??? Wow! We were super impressed!
The weather has been gorgeous, so we've been able to have lots of outside play time instead of going to the gym. We took this opportunity to try and get a nice group least they are all looking at the camera ;)
And I just had to include a few joyful bubble pics from backwards day.
Well, it's hard to believe that there are only two more weeks of school after this week. We will keep it action packed and make the most of the time we have left before summer. See you tomorrow for our last school day of April!