Friday, October 26, 2012

The rainbow.

Reminder:  Noah's Ark Parade is WEDNESDAY, October 31st.  Please dress your child in an animal costume.  If it is big and bulky, you can just leave it in their bag and we will put it on them for the parade.  Please plan to meet us in the courtyard at 12:30 with your cameras!  If for some reason you don't see us participating, please just pick them up as usual.  Their emotions can be unpredictable in a new situation like this and we don't want them all upset :)

This week we did letter F (for frogs), painted with red and yellow (mixed together makes orange), and finished our Noah's ark story with the rain and the rainbow.  They all loved the rainbow!

 We had ZERO crying during our transitions today! (Usually there are one or two who aren't sure about where we're going).  It's great that they are all really starting to recognize the patterns of our days and trust that we are taking them someplace good! music:
 We played with animal puppets today and Vivi did some especially joyful dancing :)
 Then to the gym, a place they've all come to love.

 Play time in the room has also been great.  They play well independently and together!

We really love each of these children and are grateful for the opportunity to spend time with them.  So, thank you for bringing them to TOT Time!  Have a wonderful weekend.  We can't wait to see these little cuties in their animal costumes next week!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Big Week.

I meant to have this post up sooner, but it's been a busy weekend for my family :)  I loved looking back through these pictures to do this post today though because it reminded me of all the fun we had last week!

First, check out this adorable class photo we took on Friday:
Not bad for a group of 8 one year olds!

Wednesday was picture day and all of our boys and girls were certainly picture worthy.
 Since they looked so nice, I tried to get pictures of each of the kids when we were outside with the photographer, but a few of them weren't too sure about this picture taking business, so I was mostly on "try to get them to smile" duty: 

E is for elephants! 
 We stamped orange cats in art on Wednesday.
 And in the classroom we used orange paint on the sign language letter E!

 Friday was spirit day...Caroline models our lovely TOT Time t-shirts:
We played with scarves in music.  Peek a boo!
Here comes the bride, all dressed in .... green?
 Rocking alligator...a popular toy in the gym.
 another group shot.
 The simplest things can entertain...pipe cleaners in a colander. 
And here we are getting ready for spirit day to begin:
 our point of view...
 See you tomorrow :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Who built the ark?

Announcements first, then the fun stuff: 
THIS WEDNESDAY, October 17 is PICTURE DAY!  Each child will have individual pictures taken, as well as a class picture.  The photographer does a beautiful job and you will have a chance to purchase prints when the proofs come back. 

This FRIDAY, October 19 is SPIRIT DAY!  Please bring your child dressed in their TOT Time t-shirt!

WEDNESDAY, October 31 will be our NOAH'S ARK PARADE!  Please bring your child dressed as an ANIMAL (or bring the costume in their bag if you don't think they'll be comfortable in it for the entire day).  At 12:30, we will participate in the parade in the courtyard.  We've decided to participate this year and are hopeful it will go smoothly.  Likely when they see you, we will have a hard time getting them back in the room without you.  So please plan to come and enjoy the cuteness, get some pictures and then accompany us back to our room. 

Lastly, please remember that every minute after 1:00, your child is anxiously awaiting your arrival.  It's so important for these little guys to be picked up on time.  Please do your very best to be prompt, and communicate this with whoever may be picking them up if it is not you.  THANK YOU!

Now, back to the question of the week....Who built the ark?
Noah, Noah.
We sang this song, heard the story, saw it in felt, made it in a craft and really tried to get them to repeat it!  See if you can.  We will continue to talk about this story, so this would be the perfect time to read The Floating Zoo on page 18 of your Rhyme Bible Storybook at home...and ask your child "Who built the ark?"
 The glue sticks had them all mesmerized.  It's the most focused I think we've seen them!
 With the beautiful weather we've been having, we took the opportunity to see how they'd do on the playground...

 The funniest part was that the 3 year II class was outside at the same time (2 brothers of boys from our class and my son are in that class), so there was quite a rendezvous happening at the fence.
 I believe that they were being encouraged to "pet" Oliver.  And he loved it!

See you Wednesday!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hello October.

We started off our new month talking about animals and animal sounds (such a great theme for toddlers), the color orange, and the number 2. 
We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle
In art with Ms. Heidi and Ms. Annice, we painted a fall sky with shades of orange.
This group always does a great job during free play time.  Doesn't it look like we positioned them this way?  (We didn't.)
Does your house ever look like this?  
Then we tried to get them all seated to listen to a story.  Not bad!!!
Jonah and the whale told with felt pieces.  The kids love to help us move around figures on the felt board!
Music with Ms. Beverly allows them the chance to play different instruments...
and dance!
They are really starting to enjoy time in the gym!
And they are surprisingly good at taking turns and sharing.
Run, run, run!
Getting the hang of it...
This shape sorter has been a popular toy this year.
Magnet trays and hidden treasure rice bottles.
 And they were more bold with the tunnel the second time around.  Love these faces!

See you Wednesday!